The Tunnel

From Cobbleton Forever Wiki
The riverside surface entrance to The Tunnel, built into the eastern edge of the East Spawn mountains.
Shops in The Tunnel's shopping center.
The Tunnel's literary market.

The Tunnel is a subterranean civilization and mixed-use development located in the Eastern Hinterlands and beneath the East Spawn Mountains.


The Tunnel was founded by nicmcmac, originally as a simple (though impeccably decorated) passage from Copperwood Cottage through the East Spawn Mountains and to a village on the opposite side. The eponymous tunnel later gave its name to a sprawling underground complex excavated and established through the combined work of nicmcmac and Calamination. The structures within the tunnel play host to Cobbleton's first humane villager settlement and the primary residences of its two founders.



The Tunnel is alleged to be the spiritual center of the Cult of the Wither, a new-age religious organization devoted to wither worship. Visitors to the Tunnel have emerged with stories of rooms filled with wither skulls and an overall air of secrecy. Discussion of the organization and its status as a cult is controversial within and around The Tunnel.